Configure a NFS network file system server. This is a lightweight way to mount your cloud files through LAN in a Linux computer.


This is a DNS server that you might need in case you cannot access you cloud from inside your house by the external URL, such as This depends on wether your router supports NAT loopback.

See this post for details.


As soon as your NextClouPi is connected to the internet it might get attacked. Most attacks are probably automated attacks by botnets or scripts trying to break into your System by simply using standard username/password combinations like admin/admin. fail2ban scans your webserver logs (which can be found under /var/log/apache2/error.log) for failed login attempts. If there are to many failed attempts (default is 6 failed attempts within 10 minutes) fail2ban will ban the attacker’s IP address for a certain amount of time (default is 10 minutes). If you activate mail alerts you will receive emails when fail2ban locks out certain IP addresses. NextCloudPi uses fail2ban to secure Nextcloud logins as well as SSH logins.

How to activate

Run the TUI (ncp-config) or use the WebUI.

  1. Change ACTIVE to yes
  2. Change (optional) BANTIME (in seconds, default: 600 = 10 minutes) to change the duration of a ban for a certain IP address after too many failed login attempts.
  3. Change (optional) FINDTIME (in seconds, default: 600 = 10 minutes) to change the time slot in which failed login attempts are counted and the IP address gets banned.
  4. Change (optional) MAXRETRY (default: 6 attempts) to change the number of failed login attempts that trigger an IP address ban.
  5. Change (optional) EMAIL with your personal email to receive ban notifications.
  6. Change (optional) MAILALERTS to activate/deactivate email notifications.
  7. Click Run (WebUI) or Start (TUI)


FreeDNS client.

Most home users do not have a static IP but rather a dynamic IP that changes from time to time. in order for you to be able to access your Nextcloud instance, from outside of your house, without typing an IP address you need a DDNS service which tracks IP changes and updates the DNS records.

You need to register an account on FreeDNS and setup a (sub)Domain Name.

How to activate

Run the TUI (ncp-config) or use the WebUI. Log in to and click “Dynamic DNS”. Right click on “Direct URL” next to your record. Paste it in a text editor and select only the hash (the letters after the “?”).

  1. Navigate to DDNS_freeDNS in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes
  3. Change the UPDATEHASH with yours (delete the example and paste with ctrl+shift+V)
  4. Change DOMAIN with your Domain Name you have registered.
  5. (Optional) Change the UPDATEINTERVAL to the interval time you want the client to update your IP (Dynamic IPs do not change that often so you can leave the default (5mins)).
  6. Click Run or Start.


In order to trust a connection to a website and send your user name and password, you need a SSL certificate. The SSL certificate ensures that the communication is encrypted, so everything you send can only be viewed by the server and not someone who impersonates him. By default NextCloudPi provides a self signed SSL certificate in order to encrypt your communication but it is strongly recomended that you use a certificate from a certificate authority. The NextCloudPi can run the Let’s Encrypt client which gets a certificate from for your (sub)Domain Name. NextCloudPi also configures the web server to use it and renews the certificate once a month.


  1. Navigate to letsencrypt in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change the DOMAIN with your (sub)Domain Name.
  3. Change the EMAIL with your Email address. (It is recomended to use a valid Email address)
  4. Click Run or Start.


Web Application Firewall for extra security (experimental)

This is a really strong layer of security that makes sure that even if there is a vulnerability in Nextcloud code, it will be blocked by modsecurity in most cases.

The downside is that it can break some Apps, so disable it if something doesn’t work for you. Tested with the most common Apps.

Learn more here


Enable this feature if you want your device to automount USB drives.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to nc-automount in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Click Run or Start.


Automatically update NextCloudPi.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to nc-autoupdate-ncp in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Change the user to be notified when new updates are installed (default=admin).
  4. Click Run or Start.


Perform automatic backups.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to nc-backup-auto in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Change DESTDIR to a desired location for the backups.
  4. Change INCLUDEDATA to yes (optional), to backup your data as well.
  5. Change BACKUPDAYS to the number of days to perform the backup.
  6. Change BACKUPLIMIT to the number of backups to be kept. If limit is reached, then the new backup will replace the older one.
  7. Click Run or Start.


Perform a manual backup.

How to configure

  1. Navigate to nc-backup in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change DESTDIR to the desired location you want your backup to be.
  3. Change INCLUDEDATA to yes if you want to include the Nextcloud data to the backup as well.
  4. Change BACKUPLIMIT to the number of backups to be kept. If limit is reached, then the new backup will replace the older one.
  5. Click Run or Start.


Enable if you want to change the Nextcloud database location (e.x. to a usb drive).

Note that non Unix filesystems such as NTFS are not supported because they do not provide a compatible user/permissions system.

You need to use a USB drive that is permanently on and is responsive or the database will fail.

** If it ever fails with a white page, move the database back to the SD **

How to configure

  1. Navigate to nc-database in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change DBDIR to your database location.
  3. Click Run or Start.


Change the data folder location of Nextcloud.

Note that non Unix filesystems such as NTFS are not supported because they do not provide a compatible user/permissions system

How to configure

  1. Navigate to nc-datadir in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change DATADIR to your data location.
  3. Click Run or Start.


Do this if you want to format your USB Drive and make it compatible with linux user/permissions system

Make sure that ONLY the USB drive that you want to format is plugged in.

Be careful, this will destroy ALL data in the USB drive


How to run

  1. Navigate to nc-format-USB in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change LABEL to a label you like.
  3. Click Run or Start.


NextCloudPi has implemented a UPnP client to be able to configure the Router to port forward to your Raspberry Pi.


You need to enable UPnP on your Router. Also disable it after you configure port forwarding.

How to configure

  1. Navigate to nc-forward-ports in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Set the ports your Nextcloud runs on. (It is recomended that you use the defaults)
  3. Click Run or Start.


Force secure connection using HTTPS.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to nc-httpsonly in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Click Run or Start.


(Re)initiate Nextcloud to a clean configuration.


Configure system limits for NextCloudPi.

Note that MAXFILESIZE can be at maximum 2G for now, due to limitation of 32bit php.

How to configure

  1. Navigate to nc-limits in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change MAXFILESIZE to the desired maximum file size (<=2G).
  3. Change MEMORYLIMIT to the memory limit you want (default=768M).
  4. Click Run or Start.


Download and install a specific Nextcloud version. This destroys any existing instance. You need to run nc-init after completing nc-nextcloud, to take care of setting up database and cron jobs.


Get notified for updates (Pending or Installed) through the Nextcloud notification system.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to nc-notify-updates in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Change USER to the user you want to be notified (default=admin).
  4. Click Run or Start.


Enable mounting logs in RAM to prevent SD degradation (faster, consumes more RAM)

How to restore

  1. Navigate to nc-ramlogs in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Click Run or Start.


Restore a previously backuped Nextcloud instance.
If the data folder of Nextcloud was not included in the backup: After restoring, edit /var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php and point your Nextcloud instance to the path where the data is. After that run nc-scan to make Nextcloud aware of the new files.

file: config.php
'datadirectory' => '/<your-path>/ncdata',
'logfile' => '/<your-path>/ncdata/nextcloud.log',


To get the rsync connection between the ncp and a backup-server working you need to establish two main steps:

  1. The backup-server needs to have a user. This user needs diskspace, the permission for ssh-autologin and the right to use rsync.
  2. On your ncp, root needs to be allowed to ssh-autologin to the user of the backup-server.

Step 1: Please check what you need to do on your server side. In case you use a Synology NAS (DiskStation, RackStation), you need to enable ssh (“Control Panel”, “Terminal & SNMP”), give the user - which you use to backup the data - administration access (“Control Panel”, “User”), and enable Rsync (“Control Panel”, “File Sharing”, “File Services”).

Step 2:

  • Login to your ncp on the terminal
  • change to the root account (sudo -s)
  • go to the home directory of the root (cd ~)
  • follow these steps to create the auto-login for the root user: (a: root user, A: the IP of the ncp, b: user at the backup-server, B: IP of the backup server)
  • make sure that ssh-access works for the root user to the backup-server

After these steps you should be able to backup your data with rsync between the ncp and the backup-server. Test this with the following command:

rsync -e 'ssh -p 22' -av /home/pi/ b@B:/path/to/your/backup/

If this works check the following next command:

rsync -e 'ssh -p 22' -aAv /home/pi/ b@B:/path/to/your/backup/

If this also works (“A” means ACL-support) then you are fine. If this gives and error message (“ACL not supported on server”) then you need to either enable ACL-support on the backup-server-side or you need to tweak the ncp-script in: “/usr/local/etc/ncp-config.d/” and “/usr/local/etc/ncp-config.d/” and remove the “A”-option in the rsync-command of the script (this counts for ncp version 0.64.2, the ACL option might be dropped in later versions, please check).


See comments on nc-rsync. This lets you automatically schedule the rsync process every SYNCDAY.


Automate a Nextcloud scan for user files.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to nc-scan-auto in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Set SCANINTERVAL to the interval (in minutes) you want to scan every.
  4. Click Run or Start.


Perform a Nextcloud scan for user files.

How to run

  1. Navigate to nc-scan in the TUI or the WebUI.


Change the location and the size of the swap file.

How to configure

  1. Navigate to nc-swapfile in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change SWAPFILE to the location you want the new swap file to be.
  3. Change SWAPSIZE to the desired size of the swap file (default=1024).
  4. Click Run or Start.


Perform a manual update.

How to run

  1. Navigate to nc-update in the TUI or the WebUI.


Enable or disable the WebUI.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to nc-webui in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.


Use the DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service by

Run the TUI (ncp-config) or use the WebUI.

  1. Navigate to no-ip in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Change USER with your user name.
  4. Change PASS with your password.
  5. Change DOMAIN with your (sub)Domain Name.
  6. Change TIME with the interval time you want to update the DNS record. Default 30mins.
  7. Click Run or Start.


Configure SMB/CIFS file server (for Mac/Linux/Windows)

If we intend to modify the data folder through SAMBA, then we have to synchronize NextCloud to make it aware of the changes. This can be done manually or automatically using nc-scan and nc-scan-auto from nextcloudpi-config

How to configure

  1. Navigate to samba in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Change NCUSER to your Nextcloud User (default=admin).
  4. Change USER to the NextCloudPi User (default=pi).
  5. Change PWD to the NextCloudPi User’s Password.
  6. Click Run or Start.


Enable Automatic installation of security updates to keep your cloud safe.

How to enable

  1. Navigate to unattended-upgrades in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Change AUTOREBOOT to yes if you want your Raspberry Pi to reboot automatically in order to apply updates (optional).
  4. Click Run or Start.

SSH Activate/deactivate

In order to enable SSH, the password for user pi can not remain set to the default raspberry. You HAVE to create a NEW password for pi if you want this program to enable SSH, it will fail if you dont! Note: Use normal AlphaNumeric, the only special characters allowed are .,@-_/

  1. Navigate to SSH in the TUI or the WebUI.
  2. Change ACTIVE to yes.
  3. Change the password.
  4. Confirm new password.
  5. Click Run or Start.